- существительные во множественном числе vegetables vitamins minerals Cereals nuts eggs foods sweets, crisps hours
- предложения, содержащие условия (выпишите условие) If you want to keep fit and healthy you should eat fresh fruit and vegetables four or five times a day, go for a walk every day, sleep eight to nine hours a day and do some sport three or four times a week.
- предложения, содержащие слова с отрицательной приставкой (выпишите слова) 6) But not all foods are good for you. 8) For example sweets, crisps and cola are unhealthy. 10) A lot of children have stomachache because they eat unhealthy food.
предложения с простым настоящим времем (покажите, что указывает на это время) ) Health is our wealth. 3) Fruit and vegetables have vitamins and minerals that's why they help you to keep healthy. 4) Cereals, bread, pasta, nuts give you energy. 5) Cheese, meat, eggs, fish help you to grow and make you strong
- предложения с притяжательными местоимениями (выпишите).
1 a: why are you in such a hurry ? Present Simple
B: I'm worried. My exam starts ( Present Simple по расписанию экзамен)
2 a: I am thinking of changing school. ( Present Continuous-подумывает о смене школы)
B: I don’t think ( Present Simple) it's a good idea. You'll be lonely.
3 a: why are you angry? Present Simple
B: my sister is always taking my clothes. ( Present Continuous-раздражение)
4 a: Tom looks very stressed. Present Simple ( выглядит уставшим)
B: yes. He is studying a lot these days. Present Continuous ( учится в эти дни,а не постоянно)
5. A: Why are you leaving now? Present Continuous действие совершается в момент говорения
B:my train leaves in an hour. Present Simple по расписанию уходит поезд
2.) Используйте таблицу, чтобы посмотреть значения ниже.