1. Is there Something interesting in the magazine? 2. There are Some books on the table. 3.Everything in the house is clean and good. 4. There is No one/nobody here. 5. She will tell us Nothing about her work. 6. She doesn't want Any new dresses. 7. Is he going Anywhere today? 8. Good morning, everyone/ everybody. 9. He never goes by train, he goes Everywhere by airplane. 10. They want a house, they have Nowhere to live. 11. Is Anyone/anybody coming to see us today ? 12. There aren't Any pencils in the box. 13. I didn't see Anything yesterday, I was at home.
Shu Tsukiyama - ghoul, better known as Gourmet. A former fourth year student of the University of Haruna Gakuin sociological specialty of the Humanities Department. In the past he was a member of the Restaurant ghouls under the pseudonym "Mr. MM", for the group of Kaneko did not betray this organization. After joined the band of Kaneko, possessed his flesh and blood, intending to wait for an opportune moment to attack and eat Ken. Instead, I was hooked after the disappearance of Kaneko Shu fell into a deep depression. Персонаж взят из аниме "Токийский Гуль". Перевод: Шу Цукияма - гуль, более известный в обществе как Гурман. Бывший студент четвертого курса университета Харуна Гакуин по социологической специальности кафедры гуманитарных наук. В был членом Ресторана гулей под псевдонимом "Мистер ММ", пока в целях группы Канеки не предал сию организацию. После присоединился к банде Канеки, одержимый его плотью и кровью, намереваясь выждать удобный момент, чтобы напасть и съесть Кена. Вместо этого привязался к нему и после исчезновения Канеки Шу впал в глубокую депрессию.