Shrimp salad.
Shrimp 200 grams ;
Cucumbers 2 pieces ;
Eggs 3 pieces ;
Lettuce leaves 100 grams ;
Mayonnaise 100 grams ;
Boil the shrimp and peel it. Boil 3 eggs hard, cut into cubes.
Cut 2 cucumbers into small strips. Lettuce wash, dry, tear with hands into pieces.
Mix all ingredients, season with mayonnaise and put in bowl. Salad garnish with greens or with slices of boiled egg.
Салат с креветками.
Креветки 200 грамм ;
Огурцы 2 штуки ;
Яйца куриные 3 штуки ;
Листья салата 100 грамм ;
Майонез 100 грамм ;
Креветки отварить и очистить. Яйца сварить вкрутую, нарезать кубиками.
Огурцы нарезать мелкой соломкой. Листья салата вымыть, обсушить, порвать руками на кусочки.
Все ингредиенты смешать, заправить майонезом и выложить в салатницу. Салат украсить зеленью или дольками вареного яйца.
1. Pat has made the fewest number of mistakes of all the pupils.
2. Honesty is the quality I admire in people most of all.
3. Since when have you known Mr. Blake?
V. Закончите диалог вопросами, подходящими по смыслу.
Sue is back from the shops and she is talking to her husband Joe.
J: Why did you take a taxi? ИЛИ Why did you have to take a taxi?
S: I had to take a taxi because the bags were very heavy.
J: Did you buy everything you need?
S: Yes, I did. I got nearly everything I needed.
J: What shops did you go to?
S: Well, I went to the butcher's and to the bakery and to the grocer's.
J: How many rolles have you bought?
S: I don't remember how many rolls I have bought. Several, anyway.
J: Why didn't you buy any steak?
S: I didn't buy any steak because the butcher didn't have it at that early hour.