I have a dog bulldog. Her name is Bars. She is very affectionate, kind and she also protects us from thieves at night. In the morning and in the evening we go for a walk with her, and after we get home we play. Sometimes when I go to school, sometimes it seems to me that a leopard misses me very much. Going out into the street, I see her sitting on the window and watching me with a sad look. at these moments it’s especially hard for me to forget her. But when I come home she joyfully and barks meets me. Marks, jumps around me, waits until I change clothes and start playing with her. I really love my pet.
2) I keep in touch with my friends — I keep in touch with them.
3) I'm calling my mother — I'm calling her.
4) I have a date with Pyan — I have a date with him.