Family is an essential part of the society and it plays the most important role in everybody’s life. It means that the most important people in our lives are our family members. Family is represented by a close unit of parents and children living together. I believe that everyone wants to have a happy family and good relations with all its members. In my opinion, a happy family should have mutual interests, hopes and dreams to share. Other important issues are love, trust and respect. No family can exist without love
Семья является неотъемлемой частью общества и играет самую важную роль в жизни каждого человека. Это означает, что самые важные люди в нашей жизни – это члены нашей семьи. Семья – это единое целое, в котором родители и дети, проживают вместе. Я считаю, что каждый человек хотел бы иметь счастливую семью и хорошие отношения со всеми ее членами. На мой взгляд, счастливая семья должна иметь взаимные интересы, разделять общие надежды и мечты. Другие важные составляющие – это любовь, доверие и уважение. Ни одна семья не может существовать без любви
Legend Of Russia. Leonov Aleksey Arkhipovich was born in the village of Listvyanka on 30 may 1934 in a large family. His father in 1936 was repressed, and after 3 years rehabilitated. The family was forced first to move to Kemerovo, then in Kaliningrad. The young man in 1955 he graduated from the Military aviation school of initial training of pilots in Kremenchug. Further training is also aviation: Leonov studied at the Chuguev military aviation school and the air force engineering Academy. Zhukovsky. Was qualified as cosmonaut-engineer. In 1978 he graduated from the school of test pilots. In October 1957, serves as the pilot 10 113 aviation regiment fighter aviation division in the Kiev military district. After 2 years became a senior pilot, and in 1960, according to the order of the air force Commander, Leonov was enlisted in the cosmonaut corps of the cosmonaut training Center as a trainee astronaut. In April 1961 he became an astronaut Department training Center. Together in P. Belyaev and Alexey Leonov on March 18-19, 1965, made a space flight. Their ship "Voskhod-2" was the first machine in the world, which made the flight in space for a duration of 12 minutes. In addition Leonov passed the rigorous training in the flight to Earth's satellite – the moon. In 1974 he was promoted to Deputy chief in the Center of cosmonaut training. Gagarin was a commander of the cosmonaut corps. Alexey Leonov July 15-21, 1975, made another flight on the spacecraft "Soyuz-19" in the space. The flight lasted 5 days 22 hours 30 minutes. In the period 1982-1991 period he holds the post of first Deputy head of the training Center for them. Gagarin's space flight training. Resign Leonov was released in 1992, with the rank of major General aviation. In 1993 he held the post of Director in the company, "Chetek" for space programs. From 1999 to 2000 was President of the investment Fund "Alfa capital". Today, Leonov Aleksey Arkhipovich holds the position of Advisor to the first Deputy of "Alfa-Bank". In addition to research activities Leonov was an honorary member of the Russian Academy of arts. The brush has to create 200 graphics and paintings. He has written several books – "Psychological characteristics of interplanetary flight", "the Perception of space and time in space", "Life among the stars", "solar wind", "Out in space". Leonov is the winner of many awards and medals. The latest award received in may 2014. It was the order "For merits before Fatherland" III degree. Hero of the Soviet Union has honorary citizenship in 40 cities of Russia and other countries. As for his personal life, Leonov married to Svetlana Leonova, editor of the editorial Department of the CPC. In marriage were born 2 daughters, Viktoria and Oksana. ПОСТАВЬ ОЦЕНКУ И НЕ ЗАБУДЬ СКАЗАТЬ