ответ:. Translate into English:
I can - I could - I can -
You have to - You had to - you have to
She can - she was allowed - she will be allowed -
2. Напишите на английском языке следующее:
Им следует , Вам нужно, ему пришлось, мы обязаны, поезд должен;
Мне нельзя, она не должна, тебе не следует, нам не нужно, они не могли;
Ты умеешь? Он должен? Нам нужно? Ей следует? Можно я?
3. Выберите правильный ответ:
Если вы едете во Францию, у вас ... есть виза.
А может B следует C, необходимо
Вы ... едете налево в Британии.
А придется Б может С можно
Она не отвечает на телефонные звонки. Она ... будет в своем кабинете.
А не должен б не может в не должен
- Я тебе?
А может Б должен в не должен
Я думаю, что ты ... меньше ешь и больше занимаешься спортом.
Следует B должен C может
Я думаю, ты ... скажи мне, если не хочешь.
А не должно б не может в не нужно
Стивен ... ходил, когда ему был один год.
А надо было б если бы с. был
Когда я покупаю машину, я ... езжу на работу.
А сможет ли б мог бы С должен был бы
Ты ... смеешься над стариками.
А не должен б не должен в не мог бы
Она нечасто бывает дома. Она ... много путешествует на своей
feature film directed by Kenneth Branagh, based on the eponymous comic book publisher Marvel Comics. The creation of the painting has been the company Marvel Studios, and distribution of Paramount Pictures. The main hero of the film - tor, arrogant and proud God of thunder, was deprived of his powers and banished from Asgard, one of the nine worlds. Once on Earth, he meets a young astrophysicist Jane foster, to whom he expresses some feelings. In addition, Thor must stop his brother Loki, who intends to become the new king of Asgard. Painting has become part of the cinematic Marvel universe, the films which are combined into the overall storyline.
Director Sam Raimi first thought about the concept of a film about the Torah in the late 1990s and in 2001 even presented a scenario for consideration, but the project was frozen, and Raimi left him. For several years the film rights to moved from one Studio to another until 2006, when Marvel Studios has signed a contract with screenwriter mark Protasiewicz, who began working on the idea of the film for Paramount Pictures. The original Director was appointed Matthew Vaughn, and the release of the film was planned for 2010. However, in 2008, Vaughn left the project, and the Director's chair was occupied by Kenneth Branagh, the film's release was postponed to 2011. In 2009 was casting, and filming started in early 2010 in California and new Mexico.
World premiere of the film took place on April 17, 2011 in Sydney, and the car started four days later. In American theaters, the film was released on 6 may, and in Russian - on April 28[5] in 3D and IMAX. "The film was a financial success, with more than 448 million worldwide, and received critical acclaim.