Однажды произошёл трагический случай: у мальчика умерла одна собака, а вторая сбежала из дома. Мальчик так сильно плакал, что отец пошёл искать пропавшую собаку, а мать в это время готовила могилу для первой. Первую собаку звали Пушистик, вторую звали Фенька. Спустя сутки, отец вернулся с Фенькой, который весь был лохматый и грязный. Мы его покормили, отогрели и жили долго и счастливо, конец.
Once there was a tragic incident: a boy died, one dog, and the second ran away from home. The boy cried so hard that his father went to look for the dog that had passed away, while his mother was preparing the grave for the first one at that time. The first dog's name was Fluffy, the second one was called Fenka. A day later, my father returned with Fenka, who was all shaggy and dirty. We fed him, warmed him and lived happily ever after, the end.
1)The children have been doing their homework SINCE 5 PM.
2) Milana has ALREADY translated the text.
3)Max has been reading the book FOR 2 HOURS.
4) Vova has NEVER been to Nigeria.
5) Nadya has JUST returned from school.
6) Alina’s hands hurt because she has been playing basketball ALL EVENING.
7) Vadim hasn’t written the essay YET .
8) Margarita has been drawing a picture FOR A WEEK.
9) Igor has ALREADY written an email to his cousin.
10) Dima has been playing computer games FOR 3 HOURS.
11) Aidar has gone to the supermarket.
12) Polina has bought a new book.
13) Lisa has been ice-skating SINCE 2009.