Англия занимает две трети острова Великобритания. На севере граничит с Шотландией, на западе — с Уэльсом.Ландшафт Англии состоит в основном из покатых холмов, к северу местность становится более гористой. Горная и равнинная местность условно разделяются по линии, проходящей между устьем реки Тис (Тиссайд) на северо-востоке и устьем реки Экс(Девон) на юго-западе. На востоке располагается низменная болотистая местность, которая в основном была осушена для сельскохозяйственного использования.Шесть крупнейших городов Англии (по убыванию численности населения): Лондон, Бирмингем, Лидс, Шеффилд, Ливерпуль иМанчестер.
Dmitry Glukhovsky Born in Moscow into a family of journalists. Since childhood interest typewriter.Writer with post-apocalyptic novel "Metro 2033", the head of which were regularly published on the Internet site metro.ru, received so appreciated by the widest range of readers. The text of the novel was also placed in several major network libraries and LiveJournal poster.In 2005, his novel has received the final version of the name "Metro 2033", published by the publishing house "Eksmo", and in 2007 re-released by publishing house "Popular Literature", which accompanied the publication of the book unique to the Russian book market of large-scale advertising. Dmitry Glukhov is also a published author in the network collections of short stories "Night", "Stories about animals" and the play «INFINITA TRISTESSA».In 2007 there was a new novel by the author - "Twilight» (sumerki.ru). According to Glukhov himself, he tried to make this work as much as possible different from the debut to show that he is not the author of the work. As a result, we are dealing with a novel-metaphor, a hoax, according to the author, disguised as a thriller.