I see a picture of Serova. In the center of the picture is a vase of flowers. In the foreground of the picture visible colored curtains. From back to front are white flowers. On the left and the bottom right is dark circles. From the centre to the edges of the picture are colored lines. This picture shows a calm and cosy atmosphere. At first glance, this pattern is similar to the rural landscape. But if you look closely, you will notice that it is an urban apartment. In the distance, we can see the outlines of tall buildings.
- Mary, would you like to go to the cinema tonight to see a new adventure film ? - I'd love to. What about the tickets? - Don't worry. I live near the cinema and I'll buy the ticket at the box-office half an hour before the film begins. - Are you sure that there will be vacant seats at the cinema? - Absolutely! The film has had a long run for about a week. So I don't have to book them in advance. Where do you prefer to sit in the cinema? - In the tenth row in the middle. - OK. I'll do my best. Bye! See you at half past seven outside the cinema.
Some hours later at the box-office.
- Have you got tickets for tonight's film? - Yes. What seats would you like? - Two seats somewhere in the middle of Row Ten. - We've got seats in the middle of Row Nine. - They will do nicely. How much do I pay? - Sixteen dollars. - Here you are. Thanks a lot.
Как тебя зовут? - What's your name?
Сколько тебе лет? - How old are you?
Где ты живешь? - Where do you live? или Where are you from?
В каком ты классе? - What form/grade are you in?
Какой твой любимый предмет? - What is your favorite subject at school?