Dear Rita, I'm very glad to hear something new from you. You ask me about my school. My school is large and light. There are three floors in it. There is a gym, a library, a canteen and a few classrooms on the ground floor. There are many classrooms and a teachers’ room от the first and on the second floors. Our classrooms are very large and light. There are twelve desks, a teacher’s table, a blackboard and many flowers in our classrooms. My favourite subjects are English and Chemistry. My school life is wonderful. There are lots of concerts, performances and sport competitions in our school. My classmates and I often take part in different school events. I have a lot of friends in my class. Our teachers are kind and intelligent and my classmates are smart and friendly. Tell me a few words about you and your school and friends. Have you joined any sport club? Do you like your teachers? That's all for me for today. I have to go to the swimming pool. Best regards to your family. Write soon. Ann
Mary: When are you flying to Barcelona, Kevin?Kevin: I'm leaving on Tuesday and coming back on Friday. Mary: So, you are going to have three relaxing days there. Kevin: I wouldn't say so. It's a business trip on the first place. But if I have a free time I will visit some sights of the city.. Mary: Are you flying by Spanish airlines? Kevin: I've go the tickets from Delta Airlines. It's not the first time when I'm flying with them. Delta is a reliable company. Mary: I see. Have you prepared your swimming trunks and sunscreen? You know, it's really hot in Barcelona at this time of the year. And there are wonderful beaches. Kevin: I heard so. But I'm not a fan of swimming and sunbathing. I prefer to spend my time seeing places of interest. And I know that Barcelona is full of such places. Mary: For example, which sight would you like to visit? Kevin: Let's say, La Sagrada Familia. Mary: Whats' that?Kevin: It's a The Temple of the Holly Family in Barcelona. This building is famous as one of the best projects of Antonio Gaudi. Mary: And who is Antonio Gaudi?Kevin: Mary, I think that you should go to Spain, not me. You know almost nothing about this country. Gaudi is the most famous Spanish architect.. Mary: Ah, I see. I would love to visit Spain some day. And I'm a bit jealous that you are flying there. Will you bring me a small present from there?Kevin: Yes, of course. What do you want?Mary: Something really small, like a postcard or a magnet with a nice view of Barcelona.Kevin: No problem. I will bring you something nice. Mary: By the way, where are you going to stay? Kevin: The company has booked a room in the hotel for me. I don't know which hotel yet, but I know that it's a nice suite right in the city center. Mary: Lucky you! I'm sure you'll have a great view from your window. Kevin: I hope so.Mary: Oh well. All I have to say is have a good trip and take care of yourself. Kevin: Thank you Mary! Mary: Ah, nearly forgot. Please, be careful with your luggage and don't leave your things unattended. There are plenty of thieves at the airport, at the hotel and other crowded places.Kevin. All right. I will be careful.
Мій брат Том має ім'я великої і дуже розумний dog.his є Jack.every неділю в другій половині дня Том бере гніздо для тривалої прогулянки в park.jack любить ці довгі прогулянки дуже багато, тому що він може зустрітися з іншими собаками і грати з неділю один прийшов, щоб пообідати з моєї brother.after обід один залишився протягом тривалого time.he говорив і не ходили away.his історії були довго і нецікаво взагалі.У другій половині дня Джек почав турбуватися про свою прогулянці в park.He увійшов до кімнати, сів перед відвідувачем і подивився на him.The відвідувач сказав Джек: "Іди" і почав розповідати Тому нову історію.Собака вийшла з кімнати, але дуже скоро прийшов back.He знову сів перед відвідувачем .Але цей час Джек Джек капелюх і черевики відвідувача в його брат mouth.My посміхнувся встав і сказав: "Ok> Джек ! Ми йдемо в парк! "У парку Том подякував йому розумну dog.He не любив istening розповіді свого друга, але він не знав, як попросити його пітиTrue до поставте правді, І Брехня до брехніДжек може зустріти собак у парку.Один понеділок один прийшов, щоб пообідати з ТомомВідвідувач Том не говорив і хотів пітиТом likead intesning розповіді свого друга.Джек повернувся з капелюхом і shjes відвідувача в роті
I'm very glad to hear something new from you. You ask me about my school. My school is large and light. There are three floors in it. There is a gym, a library, a canteen and a few classrooms on the ground floor. There are many classrooms and a teachers’ room от the first and on the second floors. Our classrooms are very large and light. There are twelve desks, a teacher’s table, a blackboard and many flowers in our classrooms.
My favourite subjects are English and Chemistry.
My school life is wonderful. There are lots of concerts, performances and sport competitions in our school. My classmates and I often take part in different school events. I have a lot of friends in my class.
Our teachers are kind and intelligent and my classmates are smart and friendly.
Tell me a few words about you and your school and friends. Have you joined any sport club? Do you like your teachers?
That's all for me for today. I have to go to the swimming pool.
Best regards to your family.
Write soon.