I love the neighbourhood where I live for a number of reasons.
Firstly, there are a lot of little but nice parks with green trees and benches where you can relax, just sit doing nothing or you can read a book.
Secondly, there are lots of small shops and a couple of shopping centres where you can buy absolutely everything.
Finally, it's a peaceful and friendly neighbourhood, completely safe at any time of the day, which is extremely important for everyone.
I believe, my friends like visiting my neighbourhood because we can have a really great time here, walking in the alleys and parks, having fun, or just relaxing and chatting. If you are in my neighbourhood, I'm sure you will enjoy it a lot.
из двух тем нужно выбрать одну. я выбрала первую тему про район, в котором ты живёшь
- Да, у моих родителей есть дача.
- Ты провёл летние каникулы на вашей даче?
- Обычно, да, но это скучно ездить туда каждый год. Этим летом я был в летнем лагере на Чёрном море, в Сочи.