Did you like the film yesterday? - Тебе понравился вчерашний фильм? Используем the, т. к. речь идет об определенном фильме, который говорящий/ие смотрел/и вчера.
Do you speak French language? Ты говоришь по-французски? В данном случае артикль не требуется.
Do you know where the Volga River is? Ты знаешь, где находится река Волга? Артикль the употребляется с названиями рек, морей и океанов (но не озер!)
This well-known scientist has written a book and has read lectures in many universities. Этот известный ученый написал книгу (какую точно - не упоминается, артикль не ставим) и прочитал лекции во многих университетах.
ответ: 1 The boy called his friend yesterday at seven o'clock
2 While she was talking on a phone her brother was having dinner
3 She was packing a suitcase when taxi arrived
4 He took the coat put it on and left the room
5 What were children doing when you came home? - They were watching TV
6 We were preparing for the party all day yesterday
7 Who were you talking with when i met you yesterday? - i was talking with my friend
8 He was listening to music while driving to the hotel
9 What was she telling when we came? - She was telling about new projects
10 What music they were they listening to the the news started ?
Объяснение: Ты учишся у Оли? На Сторажарах?