Music occupies a far-reaching place in my life. I constantly listen to music and love it. When I go to school, do homework, go to the store, buy different things, walk with friends - I listen to my favorite music. Apparently music is an integral part of my life. And now I want to write that I do without music and probably die from boredom. I would have stopped my creative development and made the worst memory without music. After all, when I listen to a song, analyze it, I remember it.
Music is part of my life and if it does not exist in it, then my life will not be.Thets why music keep me happy
The main motive of his time, the motive disappointment Byron expressed in the form of a mysterious, steeped in melancholy hero, known as the Byronic. Heisei Byron did not end with his death.
Democratic ideas of late romanticism, found expression in the works of Heine. Hoffman held a special place. The writer refuses to many illusions properties romanticism.