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rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of summative assessment for the unit “home and away” learner’s name assessment criteria level of learning achievements low middle high recognise basic general questions without support. give basic information about themselves and others at sentence level. make up basic interrogative sentences and get information about the topic has difficulties in making exchanges with others using supporting topical vocabulary.uses grammar inaccurately.pronounces words and phrases incorrectly. speaks with frequent pauses makes mistakes in maintaining basic exchanges/ in using topical vocabulary (apartment, house, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, roof wall, window, door, small, big, beautiful, yard, floor, there is/are, the room has)/ in answering general and wh-questions. pronunciation of some words is unclear. experiences challenges in making coherent sentences, in providing appropriate grammatically correct sentences. speaks with occasional pauses maintains sufficient exchanges. confidently speaks with peers using appropriate topical vocabulary. speech is understandable and logically organized with grammatically correct sentences. makes natural pauses
Are there … mistakes in this sentence? any
These books are good. Let's give ... to the children. them
We ... take a vacation this month. shall not
… project is the best in our group. her
The letter ... sent tomorrow. will be
I … to finish this work yesterday. had
Who can tell me where ...? my key is
The manager expected about 40 students but there were ... people in the hall. fewer
I … to help you. shan't be allow
Give me … magazine, please. any of
What ... he do for a living? does
He … go skiing. will be able to
We have ... bread, please, go and buy some. little
- Must we hurry? - No, you ..., we have so much time. needn’t
We shall discuss the results when we ... our experiments. finish
If you think ..., you’ll give me the right answer. a little
When do you ...? get up
When we came into the hall they ... this problem. were discussing
She gave us … advice on what to take with us. ---
You … go in for sports if you want to be strong and healthy. must
She … going to become an economist. is
Can I have … glass? a
I would like some grapes for dessert. Will you buy ... ? them
He ... at the theatre yesterday. was
Ask … about his new flat. him
She has … bread. much
You … go home if you are ill. may
What problems did you … at the meeting yesterday? discuss
The ... comes every morning. postman