Of course I think that every human always chose all the most best. Our parents want to give to us the most best things.But in world have people who can't chose best things.For example:Africa,there people are poor they can't chose ,but they appreciate what they have. And this is main thing which we don't have.
1) _The__primitive man was _a__ slave to _the__ nature. 2) I want you to tell _the__ truth. 3) Can I see _the__ picture, _the__ one he gave you _a__ minute ago. 4) It cost her _a__ hundred and ___ fifty pounds. 5) __the_ lecture lasts _an__ hour and _a__ half. 6) We called them once, then __the_ second and __the_ third time and thought we had dialed __a/the_ wrong number. 7) There are __a_ few points I'd like to clear up. 8) _the__ number of __the_ 1st year students has significantly increased this year. 9) He decided to spend _a__ few pounds he had on ___ books. 10) There's __a_ little juice in the bottle, you can drink it. 11) "Well, is __the_ wrong side _the__ left side or is _the__ wrong side __the_ right side? Because I got out on _the__ right side, so how can it be wrong?" asked Michael. 12) _An__hour passed, _a__ second hour passed. 13) Mr. Kelada was chatty. He discussed ___ plays, ___ pictures, ___ politics. 1. What _a__ fine day! 2. What is _the__ date today? 3. What ___ day is it today? 4. What ___ beautiful weather we are having today! 5. What _a__ warm welcome they showed. 6. Look, what __a_ lovely present I've received. 7. What's _the__ news?
1. _The__primitive man was _a__ slave to _the__ nature. 2. I want you to tell _the__ truth. 3. Can I see _the__ picture, _the__ one he gave you _a__ minute ago. 4. It cost her _a__ hundred and ___ fifty pounds. 5. __the_ lecture lasts _an__ hour and _a__ half. 6. We called them once, then __the_ second and __the_ third time and thought we had dialed __a/the_ wrong number. 7. There are __a_ few points I'd like to clear up. 8. _the__ number of __the_ 1st year students has significantly increased this year. 9. He decided to spend _a__ few pounds he had on ___ books. 10. There's __a_ little juice in the bottle, you can drink it. 11. "Well, is __the_ wrong side _the__ left side or is _the__ wrong side __the_ right side? Because I got out on _the__ right side, so how can it be wrong?" asked Michael. 12. _An__hour passed, _a__ second hour passed. 13. Mr. Kelada was chatty. He discussed ___ plays, ___ pictures, ___ politics. 1. What _a__ fine day! 2. What is _the__ date today? 3. What ___ day is it today? 4. What ___ beautiful weather we are having today! 5. What _a__ warm welcome they showed. 6. Look, what __a_ lovely present I've received. 7. What's _the__ news?