My transformer can walk, run, and utters sounds prygat.On piiip pip pip. ??!. And he's so cute that I can play with him all day on prolet.Mne bought it six years old and I play with him every day.-Мой трансформер может ходить, бегать, и прыгать.Он произносит звуки пииип пип пип.??!. И он такой милый что я могу играть с ним все сутки на пролет.Мне его купилив 6 лет и я с ним играю каждый день. если что то перевел не так прости но ты можешь добавит предложение или предложение или перевести правильно
Travel is thought to broaden people's mind in the sense that living in another culture allows them to compare it with their own. People travel to widen their scope and they want to see what is on the other side of the world. Travelling we enjoy different places, meet different people and try different food. Almost all people like travelling because it's very interesting for them to get acquainted with unknown people and with their culture, to get new impressions, to see new places, towns and countries. People may travel either for pleasure or on business. The best way to study geography is to travel and the best way to get to know and understand the people is to meet them in their own homes. When we travel we accumulate fresh ideas and experience, discover new things and gain knowledge about the world. There are various means of travelling. We can travel by plane, by ship, by train, by car or on foot. All ways of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages and people choose one according to their plans and destinations. Travelling by plane is the fastest way of travelling. When you travel by train you can see the country you are travelling through, you can rest, sleep, eat or read in your comfortable compartment. With a train we have speed, comfort and pleasure. While travelling by ship it is very pleasant to watch the rise and fall of the waves, breathe fresh sea wind and hear the cry of the seagulls. As for me, I am fond of travelling by car because when you travel by car you can stop when and where you want and may have your own timetable. If you want, you can change your route at any time. You don't have to worry about booking tickets and you don't have to carry your suitcases. Besides you can see many different places in a short time. Travel can teach us things that nothing else can. To sum up, travelling has certain benefits for our mind and soul. While travelling we learn a lot about other people, their cultures, traditions and history, discover for ourselves new landmarks and appreciate the world. So, travel really broadens our mind. They say, 'Travel broadens the mind'. источник!
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