1-understanding- понимающий
2-creative- креативный
4-enthusiastic -энтузиаст
5-energetic- энергичный
6- tolerant -толерантный
7- forgivig -всепрощающий
8- self-controlled -сдержанный
9- encouraging- поощрающий
10- firm -твердый
11- self-confident- самоуверенный
12- strict- строгий
1-I think a teacher should be creative because he\she has very interesting lesson.
2-I think a teacher should be understanding because he\she is close to his\her students.
3- I think a teacher should be tolerant because he\she shows good behaviour.
4- I think a teacher should be enthusiastic because he\she makes the material more fun to learn.
5- I think a teacher should be energetic because he\she has positive attitude.
in London there are many museums but the British Museum's largest and richest first of all you need to visit St. Paul's Cathedral
what famous city streydford on Avon
What is Stonehenge