modern life runs so quickly that people often don’t have enough time to eat. and most certainly they get little time for cooking. lots of people think that fast food is the best solution in this situation. that’s why fast-food chains have become so popular. they provide simple menus, which usually contain french fries, hamburgers, sandwiches, salads, milk cocktails, brownies and else.
perhaps the most famous fast-food chain is mcdonalds. this place is rather popular among children and grown-ups. people like having food which is cooked beforehand and served quickly. however, doctors all over the world find fast food rather unhealthy. they say that fast food contains many calories, lots of fat and just a few vitamins. they also say that eating fast food every day leads to overweight and stomach problems.
luckily, people today are more health-conscious than before and they realize that eating lots of fast food can be dangerous. the question about fast food always brings up many opinions. some people state that it’s not bad at all. usually those people have lots of work to do during weekdays and fast food is a good idea for lunch. children are also among those who like fast-food chains. they especially like getting toys with their meal. mcdonalds was the first restaurant to use this strategy. others avoid eating fast food because it can lead to the following health problems: high blood pressure, heart diseases and obesity.
in conclusion, i’d like to say that everyone has a choice. i choose fresh fruit and vegetables. that’s why when i’m at a fast-food restaurant i order a salad and an orange juice.
dear alice,
thank you for your letter. i was very glad to get it.
you ask me how i spend my free time, well, now i'm going to write a few lines on this subject.
when i have free time i like to read science fiction, but sometimes i read detectives. most of all, i like to spend my free time with my friends. we walk together, cycle, play football, go to the river or to the park. at weekends i go with my family to the zoo, to the circus or visit some other attractions in our city. sometimes we arrange a picnic somewhere in the country. in summer we often have a rest by the lake. in the evening we watch movies or concerts on tv.
i like listening to music with my headphones and sometimes to play computer games in the evening when it rains. but sometimes i go for a walk
with my new transparent umbrella.
that's all for now. how are you? keep in touch. write soon.
best wishes,
дорогая алиса,
за твоё письмо. я был рад получить его.
ты спрашиваешь, как я провожу свободное время, ну теперь я напишу несколько строк на эту тему.
когда у меня есть свободное время я люблю читать фантастику, но иногда читаю детективы. больше всего мне нравится проводить свободное время с друзьями. гуляем вместе, катаемся на велосипедах, играем в футбол, ходим на речку или в парк. по выходным я с семьей хожу в зоопарк, в цирк или посещаю другие достопримечательности нашего города. иногда устраиваем пикник на даче. летом мы часто отдыхаем на берегу озера. вечером мы смотрим фильмы или концерты по телевизору. я люблю слушать музыку в наушниках и иногда играть в компьютерные игры вечером, когда идет дождь. но иногда я иду на прогулку с моим новым прозрачным зонтиком.
на данный момент это все. как поживаешь ты? будь на связи. пиши скорее.
с наилучшими пожеланиями,
2. But we went to the theatre and saw the new play there the day before yesterday.
3. But we read this book by A. Christy last year.
4. But I sent him the text-book by post last Friday.
5. But I signed the document at the deans office last week.