Frozen 2
Three years after the events of the first part of the tale, Elsa and Anna live happily in Arendelle, surrounded by friends and loyal subjects. One day Elsa hears a mysterious voice that asks her for help, and the heroes embark on a dangerous journey to find out the truth about her magical abilities and reveal important secrets of their past.
Elsa and Anna enjoy a cozy and comfortable life in Arendelle. The matured Elsa, who has learned to control her magical abilities, rules the kingdom wisely and fairly, for which her subjects are very fond of her. Anna is happy to finally spend a lot of time with her sister and with her beloved Kristoff.
But, despite her outward well-being, Elsa is restless: an unfamiliar voice begins to appear to her, begging for help. To find out who is calling her through time and space, Queen Arendelle travels beyond the borders of her lands - to the Enchanted Forest and further north. Her loving sister and devoted friends Kristoff, Olaf and Sven cannot leave Elsa alone and go on a risky journey with her. The heroes will have to understand the real meaning of old legends, realize their real life purpose and save their home.
I am fond of swimming .This is my hobby. I really like doing this. I've been doing this for a long time. I have already been to competitions in our city, but unfortunately I did not take any place, it really upset me. But I do not lose heart and train further. Because I really like my hobby. What I like most about my hobby is that I swim. And I can swim in different ways. My coach always praises me and says that I'm doing well. I will try very hard to win the competition next time.
я увлекаюсь плаванием .Это мое хобби. Мне очень нравиться этим заниматься. Я занимаюсь этим достаточно давно. Я уже была на соревнованиях в нашем городе, но к сожалению не заняла не какое место, это меня очень огорчил. Но я не унываю и тренируюсь дальше. Так как мне очень нравится мое хобби. Больше всего в моем хобби мне нравится то что я плаваю. И умею плавать разными Мой тренер меня всегда хвалит и говорит что у меня все хорошо получается. Я буду очень стараться чтобы в следующий раз победить на соревнованиях. ( поости если что не так, но я стараюсь ) если тебя устроит мой ответ сделай его лучшим
Did he GO to Odessa last summer?