Real Conditions.(плохо перевожу на русский) 1) If he see a huge elephant, he will pop his eyes.
2)You will spoil your child, if you do not forbid her to watch such awful films. Вы испортите своего ребенка если не будете запрещать ему смотреть такие ужасные фильмы. 3)I think I won't manage to come to your party tonight. Я думаю, мне не удастся прийти на твой вечер сегодня вечером. 4)If she puts cosy on the teapot, it won't get cold.
5)By the time you come homefrom work I will devour all the food in the fridge!
6)Have you got my book about kittens? 7 -I think I haven’t, but I will search for it to make sure.
Many sports are extremely violent,yet this does not stop people watching them or playing them.Should violent sports be banned or are they just a way for people to enjoy themselves? There are some arguments for banning violent sports. Firstly,some of these sports are simply an excuse for violence. There is enough violence in our world as it is without seeing sportsmen getting hurt in TV.In addition,people who take part in violent sports risk serious injury or even death.Many young boxers,for example,are seriously injured every year. On the other hand,there are some disadvantages to banning violent sports.To start with,violent sports can be a healthy way for people to relax and let off steam.As a result,general aggression and violence in society will be reduced.Moreover,instead of banning violents sports,we can improve their safety standards,for instance,by using better protective clothing and equipment.Consequently,sports injuries will be reduced. On conclusion,there are arguments both for and against the banning of violent sports.I strongly believe violent games should be banned,as I feel they are not going to help people to live together peacefully.