Талисманами Летних Олимпийских игр 2012 года в Лондоне стали Венлок и Мандевилль (Wenlock and Mandeville) — два одноглазых существа, напоминающие инопланетян. Венлок получил своё имя в честь городка Мач Венлок (Much Wenlock), соревнования в котором в середине XIX века (Wenlock Olympian Society Annual Games) вдохновили Пьера де Кубертена на возрождение Олимпиад в 1896 году. Мандевилль был назван по имени госпиталя Стоук Мандевилль (Stoke Mandeville Hospital), где в 1948 году были проведены первые игры для спортсменов-инвалидов (World Wheelchair and Amputee Games).
Mascots of the Olympic Summer Games 2012 in London are Wenlock and Mandeville (Wenlock and Mandeville) - two one-eyed creatures that resemble aliens. Wenlock was named after the town of Much Wenlock (Much Wenlock), in which competition in the middle of the XIX century (Wenlock Olympian Society Annual Games) inspired Pierre de Coubertin to revive the Olympics in 1896. Mandeville was named after Stoke Mandeville Hospital (Stoke Mandeville Hospital), which in 1948 held the first games for athletes with a disability (World Wheelchair and Amputee Games).
1.yes, i'm learning english now
2. i have no friends of friends named boris
3.yes, boris is going shopping now
5.yes, he washes the dishes
6.no, it’s not snowing now.
7.no, they do not move to a new house.
8. there was no rain last night.
9.yes, i watched tv last night
10.yes, he had breakfast at 8 a.m. yesterday
11.yes, she will be waiting for me
12.no, a maid will help you
13.no, he will do homework in the afternoon
14.no, i will not work tonight
15.yes, she will help make dinner
17.no, they did not quarrel
19. yes, the secretary is printing my papers
20. yes, i got on the wrong bus