My mom always helps me with my homework
I have never ate Mexican food
I usually wake up at 10 o’clock
My friends often play football
Sometimes people are kind to me
I rarely go abroad
My mom seldom eats fast food
I hardly ever been to Moscow (любой другой город)
I drink tea every day
I go out with friends once a week
My parents make me go to dentist every month
We go abroad every year
My dad has never been to USA
My friend always makes me laugh
Her friends are usually busy, so they barely go out together
2. I think that during musical classes children should learn how to sing and also how to play. Because they should know the world of music from several sides.
3. Also I reckon that we need to tell children about composers, singers. That can give the idea of what music is and how difficult it can be to be come a really great man in this area of life.