I'm optimistic about the future of our planet.I think that there will be a lot of innovations in electronic technology, space discoveries and medical advances. Perhaps we'll have more information about the Moon and some planets in ten years. I think that anyone can have a chance to travel to the Moon and back. I hope that in ten years scientists will invent the cure for cancer. It can save millions of people in the world. I hope that cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs won`t be sold on our planet in ten years. I also hope that people will think more about our planet and all ecological problems.
If people change in character, they will not quarrel. They will take true care of one another and treat other people with respect. I hope human beings will give up bad habits, and they will realize that smoking tabacco, drinking alcohol, and using drugs are bad for their health. I believe that cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs won`t be sold on our planet in ten years.
Our planet will become cleaner if people protect the invironment. People should participate in clearing up cities. I dream of pavements and paths for people becoming wider. Parks will be built instead of factories, and a lot of new forests will be planted. The air on our planet will become cleaner and fresher.
There will be many safari parks on the Earth. People will treat animals with care. There will be agreement and balance between people and animals. I hope that poachers won`t kill endangeredand dissppearing animals. Many species are included into the Red Book of the planet now. I feel sorry for the animals which are extinct in the nature. Animals are our "lesser brothers". People should defend animals because on the Earth there are very few rare species of animals left. If we want to have the Future, we should take care of our Present! And we should always keep it in our minds: the wildlife treats us the way we treat it.
This is what I dream of, and I want to help the planet I live on. =) ?