1. The cameras catch the drivers who break speed limit.
What drivers do the cameras catch?
What do the cameras do?
2. People make flight reservations and buy tickets at ticket counters.
Where do people make flight reservations and buy tickets?
What do people do at ticket counters?
3. Flight information boards display information about arriving and departing flights.
What do flight information boards display?
What displays information about arriving and departing flights?
4. They have just returned from a business trip to England.
Where have they just returned from?
What kind of trip have they returned from?
5. The Russian Customs Service appeared in the times of Mongol-Tatar yoke.
When did The Russian Customs Service appear?
What appeared in the times of Mongol-Tatar yoke?
I like to pat my cat, cause it's fluffy
I prefer to play baseball, cause it's my favourite game/
I like to wear trainers, because they are comfortable
I can speak English, because it's not difficulty
I want to drive a car, cause cars are fast
I like waterslides, because they are amazing
I like to be extravert, cause I am sociable
I want to drink tea, because tea is tasty
I want to work in office, cause I am clever
I want to design my own game, because I am creative
I prefer to live in Spain, because Spain is very good country.
I enjoy doing my homework, cause it is interesting