Я увидел маленького кролика под деревом подошел но тот убежал я искал его долго потом как нашол его я свою сумку его положил и пошол в магазин чтоб ему марковки купит Когда купил морков пошол домой Дома я взял из сумки кролика и покормил морковю На утро кролик меня не боялся и по дому ходил я вместе с ним
I saw a rabbit under the tree, but I ran away, so I looked for it for a long time, until I found it, put a bag in it and went to the store to buy him stamps. When I bought the carrots, I went home. I got scared and went home with him
My favorite painting is “Morning in a Pine Forest” (“Three Bears”)
This picture is familiar to many. It was written in 1839. Its author, the famous landscape painter Ivan Shishkin, as well as Konstantin Savitsky. Shishkin painted the morning forest, and the bears were painted by his friend.
We bought this picture for 4000 rubles.
I liked the picture because the really morning forest is depicted so masterfully that it seems as though we ourselves are in the forest more often.
Да ,мы это тоже делали у меня в тетраде было вот написала из тетради.Но мы это делали в классе поэтому мы не списали ииз интернета.
2. Gredit cards are not accepted in every shop. So you should always have some cash on you.
3. Passengers are recommended to arrive at the airport two hours in advance.
4. If nobody answers your phone call, you can leave a message on the answering machine.
5. When you borrow money from somebody, don't forget to return it as soon as you can.
6. You can get some money from the cash machine. Do you remember your PIN code?
7. The advantage of the electronic ticket is that you can't lose it.
8. You have to check in before you can go to the security check.
9. If you have any questions at the airport, go to the information desk.
10. Our flight was late,so we had enough time for some shopping.