ответ:We can sit before the table (or in front of the table). The boy can sit on the table or behind the table, and then his feet are under the table or beneath the table. He can stand beside the table (next to the table), before the table, between the table and you, or even on the table. If he’s clumsy, he can bump into the table or try to walk through the table (and stuff would fall off the table). Passing his legs over the table or resting his arms upon the table, he often looks across the table and speaks of the table or concerning the table as if he has nothing else like the table. Because he thinks of nothing except the table, we also think about the table, what’s in the table, what his parents paid for the table, and if they could live without the table. We can walk toward the table, to the table, around the table, by the table, and even past the table while he sits at the table or leans against the table.
All that things happens, of course, in time: during he’s doing his homework, before he starts doing his homework, until he stops doing his homework, throughout he’s doing his homework, after he did his homework, etc
я про по англискому
а) (какой или какие языки ты знаешь?)
i can speak...(Russian and English) например. (можете добавить языки которые вы ещё изучаете)
б) (когда вы начали изучать английский?)
i started learning English in...2016 например.
в)( сколько вы ищучаете английский)
i have been studying English for...4 years например.
г) (было ли сложно\легкоучить язык)
learning language was easy.(было легко)
learning language was difficult(было тяжело) одно из двух можете выбрать.
вы когда то были в Англоязычной стране?
Yes, I have been to London( Да Я был в Лондоне)
No, i have never been to an English speaking country (нет никогда не был в англоязычной стране)
что за вещи учить тебе Английский?
My books and Teacher help me Learn this language.
вот. если надо текст написать могу написать. обращацтесь