1. No, it wasn't. It was raining when I left my house yesterday.
2. No, she wasn't. She was talking on the phone when I came in.
3. No, he wasn't. He was reading a book at this time yesterday.
4. No, they weren't. They were doing their homework the whole evening yesterday.
5. No, he wasn't. He was learning new words from ten to eleven yesterday.
6. No, I wasn't. I was cooking the whole morning yesterday.
7. No, they weren't. They were listening listening to the radio when I entered the room.
8. No, she wasn't. She was translating an article the whole evening yesterday.
1) If you have abillity to care for the others. If you good communicator. You know how older people feel. If you have listening skills. If you work at the weekends
2)For examle you good communicator
3)Welcoming clients ,washing hair, bridging coffee and tea for customers and keeping salon clean
4) interesting skilled passionate chatty
5) a lot of work, lack of sleep, small salary
6) Yes, this people should become a model
7) Create family-like team , give excellent customer service
8) I liked the ad with a model the most because I dream of becoming a model and at the same time I meet all the points