1. are - потому что мн.число 2. speaks - потому что he 3. John doesn't watch TV. -- потому что he 4. Helen doesn't have breakfast. -- потому что she 5. have - потому что мн.число 6. has-- потому что he
Russians have a nice saying: «afraid of wolves- no walk in the forest». I think that this phrase is the whole the deep sense disclosed topics. If you don't try, you win never. Why risk it is necessary, but, of course, deliberately, agreeing with common sense. End always justifies the means. And here I I agree. A must break the bridges, the usual boundaries and stereotypes caution is needed only when cleaning the broken thermometer.
Many people live their lives, walking specified someone by, and are afraid to explore other. But from time to time there are such businessmen, politicians, sportsmen, such as You, and sweep away all the obstacles that appear on their way. It is those who understand that free will is the greatest gift that you can enjoy, if not 'll fight for it. If the situation requires it, then you have to take risks, perseverance and adventurism is a great thing, thanks to which the discovery of new continents, appeared the light lovely kids, stop the wars, were written paintings, created musical masterpieces at all times.
Maybe the real Plan in is that maybe someday it will not write to someone else, and we yourself
Существительные: Metropolis (столица, центр деловой жизни), harbor(порт т.к Лондон один из крупнейших портов Британии) , industrial center (промышленный центр), tourism (туризм т.к Лондон- очень популярный у туристов город), center of cultural life (центр культурной жизни) Прилагательные: Rainy (дождливый), populous (многонаселенный), multinational (многонациональный), multicultural (многокультурный), historical (исторический). Глаголы: Thrives (процветает, Лондон занял 4-е место среди самых процветающих городов мира по данным ООН за 2012 год ), conducts the famous tennis tournament (проводит знаменитый теннисный турнир), conducts the famous London Marathon (проводит знаменитый Лондонский марафон), has a high crime rate (имеет высокий показатель преступности), provides knowledge (дает знания, т.к. в Лондоне действует очень много университетов )
2 speaks
3 john does not watch TV
4 helen doen't have breakfast
5 have
6 has