a) Mrs Fox was licking the stump of Mr Fox's tail to stop bleeding. (Миссис Фокс лизала остаток хвоста мистера Фокса, чтобы остановить кровотечение.)
b) My tail will never grow again. (Мой хвост никогда не вырастет снова.)
c) Mr Fox couldn't sleep because of the pain in the stump of his tail. (Мистер Фокс не мог спать из-за боли в обрубке своего хвоста.)
d) The noise he heard was the most frightening sound. (Шум, который он услышал, был самым пугающим звуком.)
e) The soil began flying furiously behind Mr Fox. (Земля начала разлетаться за спиной мистера Фокса.
f) Your father is a fantastic fox. (Ваш отец - невероятный лис.)
g) Mr Fox looked at his wife and she smiled. (Мистер Фокс посмотрел на свою жену, и она улыбнулась.)
I told her that she would see him tomorrow.
They said they were masters of sport.
She told him that the computer worked perfectly.
My coach told me I had played well the day before.