Моё хобби-это футбол.Я люблю этот вид спорта,потому что там нужно задействовать все части тела.Научиться быть профессионалом трудно,но возможно.У меня глаза блестят,когда я смотрю игру профессионала .Меня поражает его движения,как он быстро перехватывает мяч,и без всякого затруднения может забить решающий гол.Я обязательно стану таким же сильным,как и они, смогу так же играть и стать знаменитым на весь мир.Всё впереди,если пытаться то получится,просто нужно этого желать.Если ты действительно любишь то дело,которым занимаешься,то ты сделаешь всё для того чтобы стать лучшим!
Children go to schools which are twinned with schools in other countries. They swap work projects with one another. They make pen friends who they communicate with bye-mail. They learn a lot of interesting things about their lifestyles, cultures and religions. Children go to international schools. Every day they mix with children who have different religions, cultures and lifestyles. Children take part incross-culturalprojects. They communicate with one another by sharing different stories and experiences. They also take part in different activities. Anycross-culturalcommunication helps children from different countries: to know what life is like in different countries; to learn more about other cultures, lifestyles and traditions; to understand how big the world is and how many people live on the planet we call home; to understand that we are all different and at that same time we are much alike.
Chinese mannersIn China, there are 8 rules at the table.The first rule:You can not be ordered 7 dishes! Usually in China 7 of dishes served at the funeral.The second rule:If she cooked duck you need to put her face to the head of the family, it is considered a sign of respectThe third rule:If you need to urgently leave the dining table does not stick the chopsticks in the food, it is usually done at the funeral that used to honor the deadThe fourth rule:Do not knock the food, you will perceive how not normal, is not it do the poorThe fifth rule:standing silent at the table and eatThe sixth rule:There should be slow, as you can ask a questionThe seventh rule:Do not drink a lot of alcoholEighth rule:Relax and eat