Eggs à la Provençale - B
Pasta salad - A
Cola Chicken - C
№5 (B).List C - onion
List B - pepper
№6.1. Pasta salad hasn't got any meat in it, but it's got some vegetables.
2. A: Are there any vegetables in Cola chicken?
B: Yes, it's got an onion and a green pepper.
3. There isn't any chili sauce in Eggs à la Provençale, but there's some tomato sauce.
4. Two dishes have got some oil in them and one hasn't got any.
5. A: Is there any salt and pepper in the pasta salad?
B: No there isn't, but there's some hot sauce.
6. Cola chicken is a very simple dish.
№7.2. There's some bread, but there isn't any butter.
3. There isn't any fruit juice, but there's some water.
4. There aren't any bananas, but there are some apples.
5. There are some grapes, but there isn't any cheese.
6. There's some pasta, but there isn't any rice.
7. There aren't any onions, but there are some carrots.
8. There isn't any salt, but there's some pepper.
1. The Himalayan range is home to the highest peaks, including Mount Everest. The Himalayas include more than a hundred mountains exceeding 7,200 metres. By contrast, the highest peak outside Asia is Aconcagua, in the Andes is 6,961 metres tall.
2. Bakanovi volcano is an already extinct volcano situated 16 km east of Bagana volcano.
3. Victory Peak is a mountain in the eastern Kakshaal Range of the Tien Shan.
4. Chogori is the highest mountain peak in the Karakoram range. Mt. Chogori rises to 8,611 m and is the second highest mountain in the world after Chomolungma.
Правило употребления артиклей с географическими названиями (горы):
Перед названиями горных хребтов и цепей употребляется определенный артикль the.
Перед названиями отдельных гор/вулканов ничего не стоит - ни a, ни the.
На выставке мы смогли посмотреть новейшую модель путеукладочной машины.
Prices get higher all the time.
Цены постоянно повышаются.
The intercity trains make longer runs than commuter trains do.
Поезда дальнего следования (=междугородние поезда) совершают пробеги (поездки) на более дальние расстояния, чем пригородные поезда (=поезда местного сообщения)