1) I was afraid that I would lose my way in the forest.
2) She knew that we had never seen her picture before.
3) The teacher said that our friends had sent a letter from London.
4) She said that her friend had invited her to the theatre.
5) We were afraid that we not be able to buy a ticket to the theatre. 6) We saw that the children were playing in the yard. 7) She said that she would not swim anymore because the water was cold. 8) My grandfather said that he had liked to skate in his youth. 9) My sister said that she liked opera and would be glad to go to the theatre with them.
Hi Poul! Today my family and I went to the zoo. We walked all day. We saw many animals. First we met a polar bear, a fox, a peacock and a wild boar. Then we saw a lion, a tiger, an elephant , a parrot, a monkey and many different birds. During the walk i bought ice-cream. After the zoo we went to the aquarium. there i first saw a shark. Also I saw a ramp and other beautiful fish. It was the best day of my life. Перевод:Привет, Пол! Сегодня я со своей семьей ездил в зоопарк. Первым я встретил белого медведя, лису, павлина и кабана. Затем мы увидели льва, тигра, слона, попугая,обезьяну и много других птиц. Во время прогулки я купил мороженое. После зоопарка мы пошли в океанариум. Здесь я впервые увидел акулу. Также я увидел ската и других красивых рыб. Это был самый лучший день моей в жизни. (Извиняюсь, что так мало)