About you and your country answer questions or ask another student.
1. Which of the animals on this page do people eat? Bull's.
2.Do people keep these animals in your country? if so why?
horses? There is, of course, that cool. Status symbol. Beggars have no horses.
goats? There are, of course, they give milk
Bulls? There are, of course, they give a lot of meat
donkeys?..There are, of course, they are really stupid and give meat
mice? .There are, of course, use as a pet
О вас и вашей стране ответьте на вопросы или спросите другого студента.
1. Какое из животных на этой странице едят люди? Быка.
2.Люди держат этих животных в вашей стране? если да, то почему?
лошади? Есть, конечно, что прикольно. Символ статуса. У нищих нет лошадей.
коз? Есть, конечно, они дают молоко
Быков? Есть, конечно, они дают много мяса
ослы?..Есть, конечно, они действительно тупые и дают мясо
мыши? .Есть, конечно, использование в качестве домашнего животного
I think sport is very important. Sports make people healthier and make them feel better. I believe everyone needs sport.
Sport is very important for me. Sometimes, after spending the whole day at school I want to do some activities: to dance, to play basketball, to run. I'm always happy when we have PT classes in the swimming pool.
I love swimming: it is my hobby. I've been swimming since I was four. At first, I swam in the lake in our village, but once we moved to the city I swam in the swimming pool. I can swim very well.
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