4. Переделайте предложение в Passive Voice
They have never climbed the mountains before
The mountains have never been climbed before
She always put the cups in the cupboard
The cups are always put in the cupboard
She gave Nick all the necessary things
Nick was given all the necessary things
5. Поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения
This poster is more colourful than the one in the hall
This soup is better
6. Вставьте нужные местоимения *
If you work ... you will get good results*
Who knows the answers to these questions?
There is some (OR no) food in the fridge
The student cannot solve this problem* …
7. Переведите предложения, используя нужный модальный глагол
Он никак не хотел нам Вы должны проверить новое оборудование
You must test the new equipment
Он, возможно, готовиться к экзамену
He may be revising for the exams
В этих предложениях не нужны местоимения – проверьте источник и пишите мне в ЛС завтра днем после 12 посмотрю
1. by two o'clock the teacher examines all students.
2. on my way to school, i must remember that i must leave my report at home.
3. all my friends are pleased to hear that i successfully pass all exams.
4. poor oliver is unconscious in the place where sykes leaves him.
5. he should open his eyes, look around and try to remember what happened to him.
6. all passengers will immediately see that the old man travels a lot in life.
7. by the time we reach him, he will be back home.
8. during the holidays, my friend visits the village where he lives as a child.
9. when they enter the hall, the performance will begin.
10. when i came home, my mother told me that she would receive a letter from her grandfather.
11. where do you work before you go to college?
12. he must learn french before entering university.
13. lanny said he will get his education at cape town.
14. the boy wants to play a major role in the play, because he organize a theater.
15. lanny does not know who to attack in the dark.
16. the girl is glad that she will find a place near the window.
17. suddenly he remembered that he should not call her in the morning.
18. by the time the train reaches the city, he will make friends with many passengers.
19. when my uncle leaves, he will hurry to the station to book a ticket.
20. she thinks that gert and lanny have a falling out.