По знаку зодиака я дева. дева - это старинный знак зодиака. созвездие девы содержит 164 звезды и их можно увидеть невооружённым взглядом. на небе этот знак находится в северном полушарии. те, кто родился весной, могут быть девами. также есть много известных людей с этим знаком зодиака - иоганн вольфганг гете, кардинал ришелье, морис метерлинк, теодор драйзер, фенимор купер, лев толстой, софи лорен. планета этого знака - меркурий. те, кто родился с этим знаком имеют хороший аналитический ум. i`m maiden with a zodiac sign. maiden is very pld sign. there are 164 stars in the maiden and you can see all the stars without a telescope. it`s located in the northern hemisphere. somebody who was born in spring can be a maiden. also there are many famous people with this zodiac sign - johann wolfgang goethe, cardinal richelieu, maurice maeterlinck, theodore dreiser, fenimore cooper, tolstoy, sophia loren. the planet of the maiden is mercury. if you are the maiden you may have a good analytical mind.
Red Square is the main square in Moscow. It is the center of the city, and if you look at Moscow's plan, you will see that it is located in the center of the radial layout of the city.
The place for the present Red Square was identified during the reign of Ivan III (the end of XV – beginning of XVI century), when the Kremlin was rebuilt. So, Red Square is allocated along the northeastern wall of the Kremlin.
There is the Lobnoye mesto, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, Lenin’s mausoleum, the Kremlin Wall Necropolis, GUM, the State Historical Museum, St. Basil's Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral in Red Square.
It is important to note that the area is a pedestrian zone. Vehicular traffic on the cobblestone square was banned in 1974.