Впервые мы видим Запорожскую Сечь глазами Остапа и Андрия, сыновей Тараса Бульбы. Сначала — предместье с кузницами, лавками, пекарнями, шинками, «...которое одевало и кормило Сечь, умевшую только гулять да палить из ружей» . Потом — сама Запорожская Сечь, где по полю были разбросаны курени, которые напоминали отдельные государства. В каждом курене был свой атаман, свой запас провизии, свой кашевар. Несмотря на это все казаки подчинялись кошевому — атаману, «который выбирался из своих же запорожских казаков» . Все важные вопросы решали сообща, на общем собрании.
Any products that is cultivated organically can be treated as an organic product, whereas non-organic products are either directly manufactured with or are indirectly contaminated by synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, genetic engineering, pesticides or drugs. Organically grown crops tend to use natural fertilizers like manure to improve plant growth. Animals raised organically are also not given antibiotics or hormones. But despite the fact that consumption of non-organic products can lead to a variety of health issues and while some farmers recently have been returning to more natural ways of producing farm products, people still prefer to buy non-organic food for lots of reasons, but the most common one is that organic foods cost more than non-organic food. And I cannot see any way in which the price for both groups may become equal because organic farming is way more expensive. Organic farmers do not get as much out of their land as non-organic farmers do. They need more workers. Food illnesses may happen more often. It cannot produce enough food that the world’s population needs to survive.