Who doesn't like to receive gifts? It is almost impossible to imagine such a person. Expected or unexpected, precious or just a nice little thing – it doesn't matter if you give from the heart.
Someone believes that the best gift is the most expensive gift. But the joy is measured by money? The jewel from unloved or even the enemy is unlikely to make anyone happier. Therefore, it is not in the material value of the meaning of the gift, and in whose hands and for what purpose it is made.
When you give what you want to share from the bottom of your heart, you always get what's valuable to you back. We are not talking about a gift for the next Birthday or New year, but about the mutual joy of the process. It is always feel sincerely pay, or debt or coercion.
Personally, I like to give and accept gifts. It is interesting to be in the role of a donor: to choose, to represent the reaction to the chosen or made thing, to hand it, in the end. So the culprit of these troubles.
Gratitude and joy from the received – this is the main idea of the gift, as for me. This essence brings joy to all. Even those who simply contemplate the solemn presentation of the gift will become warmer.
2.This man was behaving very aggressively towards us. (этот человек вел себя очень агрессивно по отношению к нам)
3.This little girl who just sang at the concert, very charming. (Эта маленькая девочка, которая только что пела на этом концерте, очень очаровательная(прелестная) ).
4. I believe that my friend sociable person, which is why it attracted many people.(я считаю, что мой друг коммуникабельный (общительный, компанейский, дружелюбный) человек, именно поэтому к нему тянутся многие люди)
5. Jealousy unties tongues, while the admiration of their shackles.(с) (Зависть развязывает языки, в то время как восхищение их сковывает (с) ).