Is friendship between a girl and a boy possible? - Of course, it is! I believe that if people like to chat there should not be a barrier between them because of their gender. Very often a boyfriend can give some advice when the girlfriend fails to do it in this or that situation. In my opinion, in most cases, it is even easier to be friends with boys than with girls. The girls are more jealous and they often can't say in person some things, even to their best girls.
But as for boys, if they are real friends, they can say anything in the face. To my mind, the friendship between a boy and a girl is much stronger than the friendship between two girls.
Возможна ли дружба между девочкой и мальчиком? - Конечно же! Я считаю, что если людям нравится общаться, между ними не должно быть барьера из-за разницы пола. Очень часто друг может дать какой-то совет лучше, когда подруга не справляется с этим в той или иной ситуации. На мой взгляд, в большинстве случаев дружить с мальчиками даже легче, чем с девочками. Девушки более ревнивы, и они часто не могут сказать лично некоторые вещи, даже своим лучшим подругам.
Но что касается мальчиков, то если они настоящие друзья, то они чаще могут сказать что угодно в лицо. На мой взгляд, дружба между мальчиком и девочкой может быть гораздо сильнее, чем дружба между двумя девочками.
Storms hit the UK
There are heavy storms in the UK. Winds of 60 kilometers per hour hit the west coast, with more storms later this weekend. Experts say that these storms are unusual. “Today, these storms are very strong. We usually get this kind of weather in the winter, not now”.
The heavy rain causes major transport problems – currently, the trains and ferries don't work. The emergency services are helping local residents. “Right now, we are moving people to safe areas and we are giving them hot food”. A group of fishermen are lost at sea and a rescue team looks for them. “We do not usually fly in this kind of weather, but today aren't a normal day”.