1 It is known as the Black Death. 2 The plague was brought by rats from Asia to Europe. 3 Millions of people were killed by disease. 4 The crops for years had been ruined by bad weather. 5 Thousands had been left hungry. 6 The cities were filled by frightened people. 7 They were infected quickly by coughs and sneezes. 8 We are still fascinated by this terrible event. 9 We were warned by journalists. 10 The situation was not helped by ever increasing air travel. 11 We are given protection by antibiotics. 12 We can be saved by them.
Пассивный залог – это ситуация, когда подлежащее в предложении, «кто» или «что», делает действие не само, а испытывает действие на себе. Кто выполняет действие нам не всегда важно, более важен результат.
Строится пассивный залог по следующей формуле:
be + глагол + -ed (или из третьей колонки в таблице неправильных глаголов)
Таким образом, в настоящем времени простой пассивный залог (Present Simple Passive) будет выглядеть так:
am / is / are + глагол если правильный, то прибавляем окончание ed, если неправильный, то прибавляем глагол в третьей форме.
В времени (Past Simple Passive) это будет:
was / were + глагол если правильный, то прибавляем окончание ed, если неправильный, то прибавляем глагол в третьей форме.
Пассивный залог в Past Perfect Tense образуется по схеме had+been+Participle II у неправильных глаголов
и при окончания -ed у правильных.
1)Pacific Ocean
2)'Mangistau region
3)The ocean stretches from north to south for about 15,000 km in two hemispheres. The width narrows to 2830 km near the equator compared to other parts. The total area of the ocean, including the seas, is 91.6 million. km2, average depth 3597 m, water volume 329.7 mln. km3.
4)Vesuvius, Italy
5)The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in terms of size and depth. ... The deepest point of the Pacific Ocean (the deepest point of the world's oceans) 10994 m (Mariana)
6)Hawaii is a state in the United States. Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 3,700 miles from the U.S. mainland, in the Hawaiian Islands.
7)The bottom of the deep pits is made of red clay, and the area around the volcanic islands is made of volcanic sediments.
8)South America is a continent in the south of the western hemisphere. ... The continent is bounded on the north by the Caribbean Sea, on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and on the east by the Atlantic
вот кому надо
Mr Smith has had this car FOR years.
She's been in our class SINCE October.
I haven't seen John SINCE Monday.
I haven't seen John FOR days.
They've been in Italy SINCE 1998.
They've been in Italy FOR a week.
Janet has worked in this office SINCE 1994.
I haven't talked to David SINCE last week.