ответ:This is my room.
There is a large window in the room.
There are nice curtains on the window.
There is a new bed wooden near the wall.
There is a wardrobe for my clothes in the room.
There are some plants in my room.
There is a desk in the room.
There is a computer on the desk.
There are some books on the shelf over the table.
There are some posters on the wall under the shelf.
There is a comfortable armchair at the desk.
There are no carpets on the floor and on the walls of the room.
In a word there are the things that are necessary for me and they make my room nice and cozy
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I Am a Student At a Lyceum Я учусь в лицее
School years are wonderful years. Perhaps not all students will agree with me, but for me it is really so. I think the main reason, why I can easily make such a statement. My parents chose this educational institution, because it is one of the best in the capital. I came here in the seventh grade, because more junior pupils are not admitted to the lyceum. I have a quick remembrance of my first day here. I really liked the quiet atmosphere of the lyceum, the spacious corridors, classrooms with interactive boards and other modern equipment and, of course, a dining room with an incredibly delicious food. It is a little bit harder to study here than in an ordinary school. The program is very busy, but interesting. I like that many teachers try to bring something new into the learning process, to be creative.
From the tenth grade, I entered the profile of humanities and social studies. Each profile of our lyceum has its own program, and there is a state one for other subjects. My favorite lessons are literature and history. These subjects are taught in depth in our lyceum. In addition, I really like psychology, because knowledge acquired at these lessons help me to understand myself, to learn to easily communicate with my agemates and to choose my future profession.
Another reason why I am happy to go into my lyceum every morning is my friends. I have two best friends in the class. Together with one of them, I came here from previous school, and I got acquainted with another one after admission. We always help each other and do homework together. My parents encourage me as well: they are in accord with the class teacher and are always aware of my school affairs. I think this is one more reason why I like to study in the lyceum.
но этот вид передвижения опасный и узнирительный, и много лет занимало, чтобы добраться до другого города или страны. ситуация ч деревянными плавающими судами была не лучше. такие суда плыли по направлению ветра, поэтому было тяжело управлять ими. потом были изобретены воздушные шары, но также были медленны и тяжелы в работе. передвежения стало более легче и безопасней только тогда, когда были изобретены авилайнеры, паровой двигатель для пассажирских пароходов. они остались самыми популярными видами передвижения, потомучто они вам добраться до противоположный стороны планеты за несколько часов. однако, в прощлом веке появились морские лайнеры, экспресспоезда и скоростные машины, которые сделали передвижение еще быстрее.