Я просто нашёл инете A person who I admire A person who I admire is an interesting topic. I believe you can admire more than one person. A typical admiration I have seen is when people boy, are admiring a very famous singer, actor etc. although it is typical, it is still a good admiration because you can use that person as your role model or idol. Fx. If your role model is a sportsman, then you can admire his performing skills, and maybe learn something from him or her. But trough my life I have admired many persons, friends, older people, teachers, etc. All these people have given me experiences and personal abilities which I have acquired with help from them. My opinion is that I cannot admire one person specially. When I admire someone I respect the person’s character. After my experience I also admire someone when I am in his presence. A person who can change a bad day to a good day, fx my mother. My mother is defiantly one of my top 3 list over admired persons. Just imagine without your mother you would not exist. Everyone should admire how housemothers are struggling to raise there children’s. I am indeed of her proud of my mother, it is because of her that I am that what I am today. When I always have been in a bad mood my mother opened up my minds to look at things in a different perspective. Fx when I has had a problem she shared her experiences with me and learned me to tackle every situation. Another important person who I likes to admire is my father. A father and a mother is an admirable couple that forms a basis of a children’s life. My parents are like advisers, I can talk to them when I need help. They are motivating me to achieve my goal. I promised myself when I grow older and start a family, i will tell my children’s about my childhood and how I admired my parents. At least my expectation for myself is that I can be a loved parent. I really hope that I will have the same kindness that my parents have. My parents taught me that I can have a good life in 2 ways
Nowadays people do not pay much attention to family. They prefer a successful career to a lovely family. Is family still important? Can people live without it? In my opinion, family is the most valuable thing that people have. Family members support each other. For some reason, a person can feel unconfident or depressed. Relatives will be there for him/her to help to get through hard times. They respect each other's decisions and forgive all flaws. That is why, family is the most important institution.
Их жизнь на ферме была интересной. Они часто играли в игры со своими друзьями. На ферме было много животных: лошадей, коров, овец и коз. Дети своим бабушке и дедушке с животными. Также они поливали цветы у бабушки в саду.В августе Джон и Салли были в Йорке. Они были там со своими родителями. Им всем понравился Йорк своими зелеными улицами и старыми красивыми домами. Они остановились в отеле и он им очень понравился. Еда была хорошей, номера были удобными, люди были приятными.Каникулы у Бейкеров были великолепны.Летом они много путешествовали. В июле Джон и Салли были в Шотландии. Они остановились у бабушки и дедушки на ферме. Дети ездили в Шотландию на поезде. Погода была замечательная. Она была солнечная и очень теплая. Джону и Салли понравилась еда в поезде.
A person who I admire
A person who I admire is an interesting topic. I believe you can admire more than one person. A typical admiration I have seen is when people boy, are admiring a very famous singer, actor etc. although it is typical, it is still a good admiration because you can use that person as your role model or idol. Fx. If your role model is a sportsman, then you can admire his performing skills, and maybe learn something from him or her. But trough my life I have admired many persons, friends, older people, teachers, etc. All these people have given me experiences and personal abilities which I have acquired with help from them. My opinion is that I cannot admire one person specially. When I admire someone I respect the person’s character. After my experience I also admire someone when I am in his presence. A person who can change a bad day to a good day, fx my mother. My mother is defiantly one of my top 3 list over admired persons. Just imagine without your mother you would not exist. Everyone should admire how housemothers are struggling to raise there children’s. I am indeed of her proud of my mother, it is because of her that I am that what I am today. When I always have been in a bad mood my mother opened up my minds to look at things in a different perspective. Fx when I has had a problem she shared her experiences with me and learned me to tackle every situation. Another important person who I likes to admire is my father. A father and a mother is an admirable couple that forms a basis of a children’s life. My parents are like advisers, I can talk to them when I need help. They are motivating me to achieve my goal. I promised myself when I grow older and start a family, i will tell my children’s about my childhood and how I admired my parents. At least my expectation for myself is that I can be a loved parent. I really hope that I will have the same kindness that my parents have. My parents taught me that I can have a good life in 2 ways