Fred is maxs friend. it s freds football. the twins names are bugsy and dilly. they re popsys flowers and cakes. what s the name of freds footdall tram. is it popsys birthday today.потрібно розставити апостроф над словами дякую за ! ?
It's Fred's football. The twin's names are Bugsy and Dilly. They're Popsy's flowers and cakes. What's the name of Fred's football team? Is it Popsy's birthday today
1. at 2. about 3. of 4. on 5. to 6. of 7. for 8. away
1. not smoke 2. to do 3. come 4. to go 5. to look 6. study 7. to get
1. If I go to Leipzig, I`ll visit the zoo. 2. If it hadn`t rained, we`d be in the garden. 3. If you wear a lighter jacket, the car driver will see you earlier. 4. We woud watch TV tonight if Peter hadn`t bought the theatre tickets. 5. If I were a millionaire, I would live in Beverly Hills. 6. You would save energy if you switched off the lights more often. 7. If we read the book we will understand the film.
Does she plays the piano and the guitar? (Она играет на пианино и гитаре?) Is the pupil reading the text? (Ученик читает текст?) Can your baby swim? (Ваш малыш умеет плавать?) What are you planning to buy? (Что вы собираетесь купить?) You have done the homework, haven’t you?( Ты выполнил домашнее задание, не так ли?) 2) Повествовательные My parents bought a new car two years ago. – Мои родители купили новую машину два года назад. She gave some money to me. – Она дала немного денег мне. I met my friend by chance in the street yesterday. – Я случайно встретил своего друга вчера на улице. My relatives have always lived there. – Мои родственники здесь всегда жили. So I turned on my computer and watched some funny videos on Youtube - Таким образом я включил компьютер и посмотрел некоторые забавные видео на ютюб 3) Отрицательные Nobody ever told me anything about it.- Мне никто никогда ничего об этом не говорил. Он обедает не дома.-He does not have his dinner at home. We shall not do the work.-Мы не будем делать эту работу They did not know about the decision.-Они не знали об этом решении. We do not need his help.-Нам не нужна его
The twin's names are Bugsy and Dilly.
They're Popsy's flowers and cakes.
What's the name of Fred's football team?
Is it Popsy's birthday today