Life sometimes seemed to me boring, monotonous. Every day the same school, homework, rare quarrels with parents... But, something had happened that changed my attitude towards my daily routine.
Morning. I woke up with the sunlight coming through the curtains, колыхавшиеся from the slightest breath of wind. Looking at the clock that stood on тумбочке. I saw the time - 7:58. After two minutes, had to call an alarm clock. Wearily stretched, I rose from the bed and sat on its edge. Something thinking, finally overcame myself and finally broke away from her.
Почитисв teeth and having Breakfast, I finally threw parents: "Bye!" and left the house.
To pass the path, I decided to go through the Park, once separated me and my school.
"Farewell, until spring!"
You know, I absolutely forgot about everything. All problems, experiences somewhere vanished, vanished in these paints of autumn. Why? Probably because then my head was not loaded sad, sad thoughts. I was simply need though again plunge into the beauty of nature.
1.Что мама сейчас делает? -Она готовит обед (ужин). (Present Continios ( Present Progressive)) 2.Мой друг ходит в библиотеку каждую пятницу. (Present Simple) 3.Она не смотрела телевизор вчера. ( Past Simple) 4.Что ты приготовишь на завтрак завтра? (Future Simple) 5.Когда мы вернулись домой, наша мама спала. (Past Simple and Past Progressive) 6.Я никогда не был(а) в Эрмитаже. (Present Perfect) 7.Они сдали все свои экзамены успешно. (Present Perfect) 8.Ко времени когда он пришел, мы закончили свою работу. ( Past Perfect ) 9.Он не играет на пианино, он играет на гитаре. ( Present Simple )
1. What is mother doing now? – She is cooking dinner. – present contin. – Что сейчас делает мама? – Она готовит обед. 2. My friend goes to the library every Friday. – present simple – Мой друг ходит в библиотеку каждую пятницу. 3. She did not watch TV yesterday. – past simple – Она не смотрела телевизор вчера. 4. What will you prepare for breakfast tomorrow? - future simple – Что ты приготовишь на завтрак завтра? 5. When we returned home our mother was sleeping. – past simple, past contin. – Когда мы вернулись домой, наша мама спала. 6. I have never been to the Hermitage. – present perfect – Я никогда не был в Эрмитаже. 7. They have passed all the exams successfully. – present perfect – Они сдали все экзамены успешно. 8. By the time he came we had finished our work. – past perfect – К тому времени как он пришел, мы закончили нашу работу. 9. He does not play the piano, he plays the guitar. – present simple – Он не играет на пианино, он играет на гитаре.
Morning. I woke up with the sunlight coming through the curtains, колыхавшиеся from the slightest breath of wind. Looking at the clock that stood on тумбочке. I saw the time - 7:58. After two minutes, had to call an alarm clock. Wearily stretched, I rose from the bed and sat on its edge. Something thinking, finally overcame myself and finally broke away from her.
Почитисв teeth and having Breakfast, I finally threw parents: "Bye!" and left the house.
To pass the path, I decided to go through the Park, once separated me and my school.
"Farewell, until spring!"
You know, I absolutely forgot about everything. All problems, experiences somewhere vanished, vanished in these paints of autumn. Why? Probably because then my head was not loaded sad, sad thoughts. I was simply need though again plunge into the beauty of nature.
I will never forget that day.