Today I've told you about my homeplace.I'm living with my parents in a multi-storey house,that build was built according to architectural abstractionism and it looks like a sail. Starting from the threshold, all corridors are designed in the style of a ship's cabin.And by the way my favorite room is kitchen,because there is a panoramic view of the local river.Generally,I really enjoy living here thereby every element of the infrastructure of my apartment inspire me to create something unusual in drawing.
1phoned, started, happened, didn't want, decided, remembered, continued, didn't listen
1had, drove, got, didn't find, didn't know, found, stayed, saw, went, bought.
1is-сказуемое table- подлежащее
2are сказ windows подл
3 аre сказ table подл chairs тоже
4are сказ blackboard, desks, chairs подл
5are сказ textbook exercise book подл
6are сказ shops cinema подл
упражнение 2вопрос меняешь Was there? Were there?
There wasn't или was no, there weren't
в примере всё показано
упражнение 3
Is there? вопрос
there isn't отрицание
упражнение 4
1there are
2there is
3there are
4there is
5there are
6there are
7there is
8there are
9 there are
2have to
5have to
6have to
8don't have to
have to