4 Look at sentences 1-5 and read the
rules. Then change the words in blue
using your own ideas.
1 You shouldn't smoke. It's dangerous.
2 You mustn't take drugs. It's illegal.
3 You don't have to diet. It isn't healthy.
4 You have to give your opinion.
5 The message should be clearer.
4 Посмотрите предложения 1–5 и прочтите
правила. Затем измените слова синим
используя свои собственные идеи.
1 Не курите. Это опасно.
2 Нельзя принимать наркотики. Это незаконно.
3 Вам не нужно соблюдать диету. Это не здорово.
4 Вы должны высказать свое мнение.
5 Сообщение должно быть более четким.
это сор эсли да то вот Match the places (1- 5) with the reasons why people visit them (A - E). Put your answers in the Answer Blank (внесiть вiдповiдi в Бланк Вiдповiдей в кiнцi уроку)
1. A cinema A. to buy things you need
2. A museum B. to watch films, cartoons ...
3. A hospital C. to see a doctor
4. A restaurant D. to look at beautiful objects, to learn new things.
5. A shopping centre E. to eat if you are hungry
Task 3.
Read the texts.
Картинки по запросу "рио де жанейро"
RIO DE JANEIRO means " January River" but there isn't a river there! It is near the sea and there are some incredible beaches. There's also a famous mountain called the Sugar Loaf. Every year, there's a huge carnival with music, food, dancing and street parties. People love football here and there's a big football stadium called the Maracana. There's also a lot of tourists, there are fantastic museums, shopping centres and restaurants.
3. Have you ever been to THE South?
5. She loves---life.
6. Can I have -A cup of tea?