read the extracts. what is each person's problem? what other problems do you think a teenager can have?
aunt claire
i'm new at school and very shy. recently some older kids have been bullying me by saying nasty things about the way i look. i'm afraid that if i speak to any of the teachers, things will get worse. i keep missing school because of it. how can i put an end to all this?
stuart (14) manchester
i got bad marks in my exams and now my parents want me to quit the football team. football's my life! helpl
david (15) london
i don't like the way i look. i hate the pimples on my skin and i have gained a lot of weight! what can i do?
sarah (16) birmingham
i want to go on holiday this summer. my parents say it is too expensive and i'm too young to go on my own. any advice?
karen (15) glasgow
letters of advice are usually informal in style and are written to express sympathy and encouragement. in the first paragraph we express our sympathy and state the reason for writing. in the main body paragraph we give our advice and possible results. in the last paragraph we write our closing remarks.
computers: a blessing or a curse?
in the one hand, computers can help people do something case easier and more convenient. for example: computer have permanent internet connection, so you can look up necessary information very quickly. in addition, if you have a computer you can take courses, study, gain knowledge. you can learn new programming language, design basics, or cook delicious. you can conveniently communicate with your distant relatives using a webcam.
in the other hand, computer can distract you with its huge amount of games and entertainment. if you are going to do something necessary and notice a new computer game, you start to play it and you just can’t get enough.
to sum up: new technologies are brilliant idea for study or learn something new, but it's also bad due to the sheer amount of entertainment.
1) Мальчики сидели на льдине (ice floe) и не шевелились, боясь (for fear of) упасть в воду. The boys were sitting on the ice floe without moving for the fear of falling into the water.
2) Преодолеть страх (to overcome fear) перед вторым прыжком с парашютом труднее, чем перед первым. It's more difficult to overcome the fear before the second parachute jump than before the first one
3) Вам когда-нибудь приходило в голову (to cross one's mind), что вы можете использовать свое превосходное знание психологии для того, чтобы другим людям? Has it ever crossed your mind that you can use your excellent knowledge of psychology in order to help other people?
4) Полиция штата в настоящее время расследует (to look into) кражу картины из музея. Now the police of this state are looking into stealing the painting from the Museum
5) Правительство намерено создать (establish) специальную комиссию для расследования (tolookinto) случаев дискриминации и расизма. The government intends to establish a special committee to look into the discrimination and racial cases
6) Когда Салли была в отпуске, за растениями в саду ухаживала (tolookafter) её подруга. When Sally was on her holiday, her friend was looking after the plants in the garden.
7) Прежде чем заняться делами, Алекс просмотрел (to look through)электронную почту. Before starting his work, Alex has looked through his email.