1. hadn't gone (уже ушел, т.к она скучает)
2. had taken (из всех вариантов конструкции I wish удовлетворяет только had taken)
3. brought (также удовлетворяет только brought)
4. hadn't bought (купил в , т.к рассказывают, что машина часто ломается)
1. was, were (в условных наклонениях во всех лицах предпочтительнее were, но was также не ошибка, более разговорный вариант)
I wish/If only somebody did something - было бы потрясающе, если бы кто-то сделал что-то в настоящем/будущем
I wish/If only somebody had done something - было бы потрясающе, если бы кто-то сделал что-то в (но он не сделал)
1) When it became clear that he would be moving to Austria, he sold the house to his brother.
2) All the copies of the book has been already sold out.
3) Was the car sold for $2000 some days ago?
4) The tickets cost too much and sold badly.
5) Do you know if your neighbours has sold their car?
6) According to yesterday's newspapers, astronomers in Australia discovered a planet in a galaxy close to ours.
7) A new planet were discovered but I don't remember it's name.
8) Radium was discovered by Pierre and Marie Curie.
9) His father received so many complains about the noise that he told.
10) ?
11) Over 50 letters of support has received in the last 10 days.
12) His project received a lot of attention lately.