to answer - ответить
good - хороший
he - он
to give - дать
few, little - мало
below - ниже
cow - корова
behind - сзади
the same, similiar - одинаковый
hard-working - трудолюбивый
girl - девочка
many - много, big-большой
ugly - уродливый, безобразный
to love - любить
colorless - бледный, бесцветный
white - белый
to remember - знать, запоминать
to laugh - смеяться
1. Mr. Priestly is a teacher, isn't he? (Мистер Пристли - учитель, не правда ли?)
2. Does he teach foreign students? (Он обучает студентов-иностранцев?)
3. What task did Mr. Priestly give to his students? (Какое задание дал м-р Пристли своим студентам?)
4. Should the students talk for five or ten minutes? (Должны ли студенты говорить пять или десять минут?)
5. Who will speak to them at tomorrow's lesson? (Кто будет выступать с сообщением на завтрашнем уроке?)
6. What is Frieda going to tell about? (О чем собирается расскзать Фрида?)
7. Who is going to tell about the Wiggings? (Кто собирается рассказывать о семье Виггингс?)
8. How many members are there in the Wiggings family? (Сколько человек в семье Виггингс?)
9. Who gets blamed for everything? (Кого во всем винят?)
10. Whose parents are Grandma and Grandpa? (Чьи родители Бабуля и Дедуля?)
11. Has Olaf written a play or a novel? (Олаф написал пьесу или роман?)
12. Hob will tell of something that happened to him the first day he came to England, won't he? (Хоб расскажет о том, что случилось с ним в первый день его приезда в Англию, не так ли?)
1) I hate waiting. It makes me angry.
2) I don't need to water the flowers. I watered them yesterday.
3) Has anyone prepared for the lesson? —No one prepared for the exam.
4) I want to open a store on the first floor of this house. It will make me happy.
5) No one has received news from John, and this makes us nervous.
6) I strongly doubt that they will sell the house.
7) I hope we go to the sea next summer. I want to go somewhere.
8) I took the wrong bus and was late for the meeting.
9) Some of my colleagues caught a cold, but I am healthy.
10) Has anyone liked this book? - No, no one was interested in this book.
11) Everyone was very tired and wanted to take a coffee break.
12) Will you have a meeting tomorrow? - No, I will not hold a meeting. Mark will hold a meeting.
13) Everyone liked the seminar. He was very interesting.
14) At home, I will relax and sit on the Internet.
15) Reception at the doctor lasted half an hour.
16) I can not eat tight in the morning. I always eat lightly in the morning.
17) Could you look after your brother? I will be very busy today.
to ask-спросить answer
bad -плохой good
she -она he
to take – принять - to give
much-много - little
above –выше - under
bull – бык - cow
in front of –перед - behind
different –различный - the same
lazy –ленивый - hardworking
boy –мальчик - girl
little –мало - much/many
beautiful –красивый - ugly
to hate –ненавидеть - to love
bright –яркий - dull
black –черный - white
to forget –забыть - to remember
to cry -плакать - to laugh