Today (be)
the second day of my trek around Mount Annapurna. I am exhausted andmy legs (shake)
are shaking
; I just hope I am able to complete the trek. My feet (kill,really)
are really killing
me and my toes (bleed)
are bleeding
, but I (want, still)
to continue.Nepal is a fascinating country, but I have a great deal to learn. Everything (be)
soI (learn, not)
do not learn
foreign languages quickly. Although I (understand, not)
donot understand
much yet, I believe that I (improve, gradually)
am graduallyimproving
.I (travel, currently)
am currently travelling
with Liam, a student from Leeds Universityin England. He (be)
a nice guy, but impatient. He (walk, always)
is alwayswalking
ahead of me and (complain)
that I am too slow. I (do)
my best to keep up with him, but he is younger and stronger than I am. Maybe, Iam just feeling sorry for myself because I am getting old.Right now, Liam (sit)
is sitting
with the owner of the inn. They (discuss)
the differences between life in England and life in Nepal. I (know, not)
donot know
the real name of the owner, but everybody (call, just)
just calls
him Tam.Tam (speak)
English very well and he (try)
is trying
to teach Liam some wordsin Nepali. Every time Tam (say)
a new word, Liam (try)
to repeat it.Unfortunately, Liam (seem, also)
also seems
to have difficulty learning foreignlanguages. I just hope we don't get lost and have to ask for directions
А на русском всё переводится:_вчера я встаю очень рано.я чищу зубы, был мой завтрак.я делаю мое домашнее задание с 7.30 до 8.30 вчера.когда я вошел в класс, учитель eplained новое правило. я был простите за опоздание_. а дальше понятно_)