Since childhood, I have had a dream - to visit the capital of fashion and beauty - Paris. The cultural heritage and rich history of this city influenced the development of the whole world. This fact can be confirmed by literature, art, architecture and even culinary.
When I will be in France, I want to visit the castles of the Loire, which keep the secrets of the Middle Ages, climb the Eiffel Tower in Paris and see the city from a bird's eye view. If someday I will be in the city of my dreams, I can not resist and do not try snails in sauce, the famous ratatouille and onion soup. After all, France is famous for its skillful cuisine.
I really love beautiful houses. Therefore, Paris also attracts me with its architecture. Here you can find beautifully restored and insanely beautiful buildings and sculptures. In addition, the city has a large number of museums that keep the secret secrets of the French capital.
I believe that Paris is the most attractive place to travel. It is a city of romance, fine cuisine, art and fashion. I really hope that this summer I will be able to visit the city of my dreams.
Мистер Вудинг сидит в кресле.
Он читает газету.
Его жена поливает растения в комнате.
Она не смотрит телевизор.
В комнате также их дети.
Что они делают?
Мальчик слушает музыку и ест яблоко.
Девочка играет в пазлы.
В их семье есть собака.
Собака спит.